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Communication Efforts

November 23, 2019
By Dr. P. Ogborne

Bombarded by information. That seems to be the status of every one of us that lives with or near a computer or cell phone. It has become a constant endeavour to evaluate and only open or respond to certain individuals or apps . . .  as we have the time. All others usually are put in the electronic trash file called “unread”.

One area that we are always concerned with here at PCS is how we communicate, how much we communicate (content and frequency), and are our communications making it home? What is the status of your involvement with the school’s communication methods? Do you read the Wednesday Mid-week Reminder or Friday Facts email? Do you peruse the website or classroom take home sheets (paper or electronic version?). We would love any feedback that you have regarding school communications.  Please feel free to respond with your comments below.

At last week’s Parent Coffee & Chat, we were able to intentionally inquire about our communication methods and understand which ones were working and which ones should be changed. The response was enlightening and productive. We will be scheduling more of these Coffee & Chat times to provide another avenue for communication. Having open lines of communication is a big part of making sure everyone is on the same page. Please continue to assist us in spreading the daily news of PCS in the best format possible. 

One current change (that we were considering and subsequently confirmed out of the Coffee & Chat) is the move to a paperless class take home. For a couple of years now we have duplicated the JK to Grade 5 with a paper take home as well as an electronic version on the website. Starting as of January 1, 2020 it will no longer be sent home via paper. You will be able to continue viewing it online though.  If however, you would like to continue receiving a paper copy, for the last 6 months of this school year we will honour any requests to continue sending it home as you make the adjustments. Please contact your child’s teacher and they will continue to send it home via the agenda.

We look forward to many more great conversations in the future at our Coffee & Chat times, so please keep an eye out for our next date and hopefully you can join us.  It is always nice to get together and continue to build this awesome community we call “our” school.