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Music & Arts


Junior Kindergarten

Music is an integral part of the kindergarten program with an additional 30 minutes per week with a specialized music teacher. Students are introduced to music through singing, and demonstrating beat with movement, actions, games and rhythm instruments. Whenever possible, cross curricular connections are made with Bible, science and language.


Senior Kindergarten

Music is an integral part of the kindergarten program with an additional 30 minutes per week with a specialized music teacher. Students continue to develop confidence in their musical ability through singing (group and solo opportunities), and demonstrating beat with movement, actions, games and rhythm instruments. Whenever possible, cross curricular connections are made with Bible, science and language.


Grade 1

Students are introduced to the instruments of the orchestra, learning to recognize them by sight and sound and categorize them into the four instrument families. A careful study of Peter and the Wolf and Carnival of the Animals assist in this instrument recognition. Expressing themselves musically through singing, and demonstrating beat with movement, actions, games and rhythm instruments continues to be a focus. Students begin to read and perform simple rhythms. The Bible curriculum includes a wide variety of music which is taught in conjunction with traditional children’s songs, scripture songs, Praise & Worship songs and music to reflect the seasons.


Grade 2

Students deepen their understanding of the instruments of the orchestra, recognizing them by sight and sound and categorizing them into the four instrument families. Expressing themselves musically through singing, and demonstrating beat with movement, actions, games and rhythm instruments continues to be a focus. Students create and perform their own song lyrics, and read, write and perform simple rhythms with body percussion and rhythm instruments. The lives of famous composers are touched on in listening activities, with a deeper study of the life of J.S. Bach. The Bible curriculum includes a wide variety of music which is taught in conjunction with traditional children’s songs, scripture song, Praise & Worship songs and music to reflect the seasons.


Grade 3

Students continue to express themselves musically through singing, and demonstrating beat and rhythm with movement, actions, games, cup games, rhythm instruments and pitched percussion. Students create and perform their own song lyrics and read, write and perform simple rhythms with body percussion and rhythm instruments. Short biographies of famous composers are studied during listening activities, with a deeper study of the lives of Beethoven and Strauss Jr. along with discussion and viewing Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker ballet. The Bible curriculum includes a wide variety of music which is taught in conjunction with traditional children’s songs, scripture songs, praise and worship songs and music to reflect the seasons. Students begin to learn about the musical staff and recognize notes in preparation for instrumental music in Grade 4.

Grade 4

Students are introduced to the recorder. Though class lessons and individual practice, they develop correct playing technique, tone quality and ensemble awareness. Repertoire includes a variety of time periods and styles, with Spirituals offering special opportunity for syncopated note and part reading. Students perform solo (including their own written variations and improvisations) and up to 3-part music with and without recorded accompaniment. Alto recorders are introduced at performance time, allowing a broadening of sound and experience for students. Recorder students perform at our Grandparents’ Day and Christmas programs along with a local music festival where they have received high levels of achievement. A longer Praise & Worship song is typically worked on in the spring, often offering opportunity for playing with the Grade 5 ukulele class. The recorder program is interspersed with singing and movement activities reinforcing musical concepts and teaching the Bible curriculum and includes a deeper study of the life of Handel.

Grade 5

Students are introduced to the ukulele. Through class lessons and individual practice, they develop correct playing techniques, tone quality and ensemble awareness. The ukulele offers the unique opportunity of playing and singing simultaneously. Students learn to play up to 4-part harmony. A significant portion of our repertoire is Praise & Worship music, which offers an excellent opportunity for melody/harmony picking and chording. We offer this gift of worship at our Grandparents’ Day and Christmas programs, school assemblies, and at a local music festival where we have received top levels of achievement.

Grade 6

Students are introduced to woodwind, brass and percussion instruments through the band program. Students learn the basics of music theory while being introduced to an instrument that reflects their character, interest or preference. Correct posture, breathing, tone production and articulation are stressed. Playing technique is developed through class instruction and individual practice from method books and carefully selected repertoire from a variety of cultures and styles. Students perform at a local music festival, and Grandparents’ Day and Christmas programs.


Grade 7

Students continue to develop their playing skills on band instruments through class instruction and individual practice. Music theory, ear training and music appreciation continue to be stressed as essential to properly performing an instrument. Playing technique is developed from method books and standard band repertoire including marches, transcriptions, lyrical selections and classics. Students perform at our Grandparents’ Day, Christmas and Grade 8 Graduation programs and at a local music festival.

Grade 8

Students continue to refine their playing skills on band instruments through class instruction and individual practice. Music theory, ear training and music appreciation are studied in increasing depth. Playing technique is developed from method books and standard band repertoire including marches, transcriptions, lyrical selections and classics. Students perform at our Grandparents’ Day and Christmas programs and at a local music festival.