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Education Must Change

January 12, 2017
By Dr. P. Ogborne

Several months ago, an alumni student requested a meeting with me. He is enrolled in Teachers College and wanted to share with me a philosophy of education that he had been a part of in his last placement at Master’s Academy in Calgary. I saw this as a unique opportunity for a former student to invest in his alma mater.

At the end of his power point presentation, I was in awe at what the Lord had just done. Prior to this presentation, the administration staff had been discussing the next educational priority for PCS. We had been wrestling with the direction we should focus our energy on to make PCS a leading edge school of education.

Until now.

Many emails later, we decided to visit the school in Calgary. From our observations, we are convinced that the next phase of educational initiatives for PCS lies in Master’s developed model called“Profound Learning”. As Master’s say on their web site,

”Education must change if we are to prepare students to effectively live in a world of ‘massive change’ ”.

The core changes fall along the lines of technology, environment and learning processes. Each one of these elements requires hours of research, evaluation, processing of their implementation, and strategizing their role out in a timely manner.

It has started with the booking of the founder of Profound Learning, Tom Rudmik, for a seminar at PCS in February. Here he will talk to teachers and the Board of Directors about the value of this methodology in today’s schools. It will continue with the input of Dr. T. Heaton as he shares his research on 21st Century learning. Currently, he is working with ACSI and presenting this topic all over the globe, from North America, Africa, and Asia.

In house, PCS has rolled out Chromebooks to the Grade 7 class. This pilot program is putting laptops in their hands for the remainder of the year. Uploaded assignments, class material and communication devices with parents are part of the digital community that faces the current generation of students. If all goes as planned, we intend to open up the Chromebook experience to more classes in the fall.

Two powerful videos are linked below. I encourage you to watch them and see how the educational world is changing and why we need to be a part of this change.

I Sued the Public School

Master’s Academy and Profound Learning