Grade 7/8 girls volleyball try out will take place during first recess.
Grade 7/8 girls volleyball practice will be held after school from 3:30pm-5:00pm
Grades 4-6 Soccer Baseball Intramural will be during first nutrition.
On Wednesday, November 6th, 2024 the grade 7/8's will spend the day at Durham Christian High School participating in elective style classes at their high school campus.
Students are to wear their regular PCS uniform. Students wishing to participate in a gym style elective must bring their PCS gym shirt, black shorts and appropriate shoes.
The bus will be leaving at 8:00am and returning by 3:30pm. A small lunch will be provided, however, students should bring more to supplement.
Grade 7-8 Boys Volleyball will be held after school from 3:30pm-5:00pm
Grade 7/8 girls volleyball practice will be held during second recess.
Grades 7/8 boys volleyball will be held after school from 3:30pm-5:00pm.
Grades 4-6 Soccer Baseball Intramural will be held during first nutrition.
What a blessing and joy it is to be able to gather this year for PCS' annual Grandparents & Special Friends Day on Friday, November 8th, 2024.
Join us for a time of worship, and celebration of God's goodness and faithfulness to our school and school community. This year, there will be the option of a morning program and an afternoon program.
Our morning program will begin at 9:30AM - 11:15AM, with doors opening at 9:15AM. There will be volunteers to help with parking and to offer any assistance you may need in accessing the building when you arrive.
Due to the need for two programs, it has eliminated the ability to take your grandchild out for lunch after our morning program, as they need to be on site for the second program.
However, if you attend the afternoon program, you will have the ability to take your grandchild/student home for the day.
Please indicate further in the RSVP if you will be taking them following the program.
Our afternoon program will begin at 1:00PM-2:45PM, with doors opening at 12:45PM. There will be volunteers to help with parking and to offer any assistance you may need in accessing the building when you arrive.
This year we have the blessing and opportunity to invite you into our classrooms again to visit with the student(s) you have come to see!
Please Note: there is a maximum of FOUR attendees per family regardless of program selection (ex: four family members at one program OR two family members attending each program separately).
Please honour this as we have limited capacity, and want to ensure each student has the ability to have someone come.
We look forward to seeing you!
Grade 7/8 Boys Volleyball will be held during second nutrition.
Grades 4-6 Soccer Baseball Intramural will be held during first nutrition.
Grades 4-6 Soccer Baseball Intramural will be held during first nutrition.
Grade 7/8 girls volleyball practice will be held during first recess.
Grades 7-8 boys volleyball will be held during second nutrition.
Grades 4-6 Soccer Baseball Intramural will be held during first nutrition.
Grades 4-6 Soccer Baseball Intramural will be held during first nutrition.
Grade 7/8 boys volleyball will be held after school from 3:30pn-5:00pm
Grade 7/8 boys volleyball will be held during second nutrition.
Grade 7/8 girls volleyball practice will be held after school from 3:30pm-5:00pm.
Grade 4-6 Soccer Baseball Intramural will be held during first nutrition.