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December 21, 2017
By Dr. P. Ogborne

The Christmas season is upon us, and I pray that the Christmas break will draw your family together in a manner that puts Christ in focus in all that you do. The Bethlehem journey, that we celebrated with heartfelt praise last Thursday, is all about moving closer to our Saviour. We are thankful, as a school, that we have been part of your journey as we seek to educate your child for the future. One of the key points to the training the teachers have received from Profound Learning, is to prepare students to be “future ready”. As educators, we can unfortunately limit our vision to focus on preparing these young lives to move on to high school or university/college, and then obtain a job so they can move on as successful individuals. All in all a good plan, but not a complete one. Profound Learning talks about helping children to close their gaps in knowledge, and the teachers work diligently at understanding each child's progress in the various classes.

Ultimately, the gap each child needs to deal with is found in Isaiah 59:2:  "... but your iniquities have made a separation (gap) between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear".  More importantly, "future ready"  means being prepared for eternity. Our task at PCS is not only about academics, but it is also about helping the students understand what it means to surrender their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. Truly, we want their future to have heaven as its final destination.

So as we wind down this portion of the school year, I trust you can reflect on God's goodness in the development of your child.  We have been blessed with many opportunities to see God at work. Students have grasped the 21st Century aspects that have been introduced into the classrooms, and the delivery of the curriculum has been enhanced through technological advancements.  Your faithfulness and generosity in support of the school have put us in a stronger financial picture going into the new year. We are at the highest student attendance in our 32 year history, with several grades already full and waiting lists for many. Tours for the fall start in September are at a record level, with our Junior Kindergarten class already well on its way to being 50% full by the end of January. God is leading us into some exciting years ahead!

As you enjoy this time of celebration, may this season of Hope and Peace resound throughout your homes.  We look forward to the New Year here at PCS, as we seek to guide each current and future student academically but, more importantly, spiritually into a personal relationship with the One who journeyed to this earth so they may truly be “Future Ready”.